字典翻译 问答 小学 英语 tobeginwith与atfirst的区别


  at first=in the beginning=起初   He disliked school in the beginning.   起初他不喜欢上学.   In the beginning, John did good work at school.   开始时约翰在学校的成绩不错.   Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices.   一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁.   The runner was retired put out at first base.   跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局.   I fell in love with her at first sight.   我第一眼见到她就爱上了她.   The matter appeared at first view of little moment.   这件事乍看起来不怎么重要.   I took against him at first sight.   第一次见面我就讨厌他了.   The answer was at first unapparent.   那个答案起初不十分明白.   to begin with 以.开始 it can be replaced by at first or in the beginning in many cases:   It is helpful to begin with a rough and ready classification.   首先进行粗略的分类是很有帮助的.   I have to begin with an apology.   我得首先表示歉意.   TO begin with, she is too young for that kind of job.   首先,她做这种工作年纪还太轻.   I have several choices what to do. To begin with, I could do nothing!   怎么干,我有好几种选择.首先,我什么也干不了!   Drinking makes such fools of people, and people are such fools to begin with, that it's compounding a felony.   酗酒令人如此糊涂,而人本来就是糊涂,所以酗酒无非就是等于是以罚款免人重罪罢了.
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