字典翻译 问答 小学 英语 【WindsorCastle(温莎城堡)isoneofthemostfamouscastlesintheworld.ItliesinWindsorTown,32kilometerswestofLondonCity,bythesouthbankoftheRiverThames.PeoplebuiltthecastlejustoutsideofLondontoprotectthecapita】

Windsor Castle(温莎城堡)is one of the most famous castles in the world.It lies in Windsor Town,32kilometers west of London City,by the south bank of the River Thames.People built the castle just outside of London to protect the capital of Britain.

Windsor Castle has a long and rich history.It began to be built in 1 066.People rebuilt it again and again during every period in history to today's dimensions(范围).For almost 1,000years,the castle has been used as the family home of British kings and queens.It was also used as a prison(监狱)during the English Civil War.Today,Windsor Castle is the private home of Queen Elizabeth II.She spends most of her private weekends there.

Although it is still a living place of the royal(皇家)family,the public can visit much of the castle.It is one of the most popular sights in Britain.There,art lovers can enjoy some of the finest paintings by Rembrandt and Canaletto.Visitors can also take a look at George IV's private apartments.They are some of the most beautiful rooms in the castle.

26.The famous Windsor Castle is___.

A.near Windsor Town

B.32kilometers east of London City

C.in central London

D.by the south bank of the River Thames

27.Now Windsor Castle is the private home of___.



C.Queen Elizabeth II

D.George IV

28.The last paragraph is mainly about the___of the castle.





  26-28:DCB   26题答案:D细节理解题.根据第一段ItliesinWindsorTown,32kilometerswestofLondonCity,bythesouthbankoftheRiverThames.可知温莎城堡位于温莎城,伦敦城西32千米,在泰晤士河南岸.故选D.   27题答案:C细节理解题.根据第二段Today,WindsorCastleistheprivatehomeofQueenElizabethII.今天,温莎城堡是英国女王伊丽莎白二世的私人住宅.故选C.   28题答案:B考查细节理解题,根据文中的第三段It is one of the most popular sights in Britain可知它是英国最受欢迎的景点之一,故答案是B.
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