All over the world the need for more laptops and computers increases each yearuff0eNetworks have been part of our lifeuff0eProbably everyone with a portable device uff08u79fbu52a8u8bbeu5907uff09has once logged on to a public WiFi network without paying for ituff0cwhile they are having a coffeeuff0con a trainuff0cin a shopping mall or at a hoteluff0eHoweveruff0cis this kind of public WiFi network safeuff1f
Some networks are better protected than others because encryption uff08u52a0u5bc6uff09methods are useduff0eThereforeuff0cthey are safer than othersuff0eBut a survey in 2015showed that more than 950million records were not protecteduff0cincluding addressesuff0cemailsuff0cbirth datesuff0cphone numbersuff0cpasswords and so onuff0eThese open WiFi networks are really not safeuff0cbecause it is very easy for hackers uff08u9ed1u5ba2uff09 to break into the operating system and get people's private informationuff0e
Most smartphones and laptopsuff0cby themselvesuff0csearch and connect to WiFi networksuff0eThey usually prefer a network with a connection that has been used beforeuff0eHackers'devices are able to record these searches and look like the trusted WiFi networksuff0eWhen these smartphones and laptops log on to the networks which are not realuff0chackers can easily steal their private informationuff0e
So next timeuff0cwhen we want to use our laptops or our smartphones in public places which offer free WiFi networksuff0cplease think it twice or take safe measures before using themuff0e
""questionList":{"1":{"type":1"title":"Why do people like to go log on to a public WiFi networkuff1f___""answer":"u63a8u7406u5224u65adu9898uff0eu7531u7b2cu4e00u6bb5u53e5u5b50Probablyu00a0everyoneu00a0withu00a0au00a0portableu00a0deviceu00a0uff08u79fbu52a8u8bbeu5907uff09hasu00a0onceu00a0loggedu00a0onu00a0tou00a0au00a0publicu00a0WiFiu00a0networku00a0withoutu00a0payingu00a0foru00a0ituff0cu4e2du7684withoutpayingforitu53efu4ee5u63a