字典翻译 问答 小学 英语 【Sally:Howdoyoucelebrateyourbirthday?Jack:Ieatnoodleswithmyparents.InChinesetradition,eatingnoodlesonthebirthdayisamust.Itmeansalonglife.Kevin:Eatingmyfavoritefoodatmyfavoriterestaurant.Thendosomething】

Sally:How do you celebrate your birthday?

Jack:I eat noodles with my parents.In Chinese tradition,eating noodles on the birthday is a must.It means a long life.

Kevin:Eating my favorite food at my favorite restaurant.Then do something really exciting,I like going to the coast(海岸).Maybe even watch a movie.I have a winter birthday,so sometimes it's difficult to think of something.

Lily:I do my homework.Sometimes I cry.

Tina:Playing in the snow if we have some.My birthday is 2days before Christmas.

Andy:I usually call my friends and invite them to my party,or just spend the whole day with my family and close friends.

71.Where is Jack from?


72.When was Kevin born?


73.Is Lily happy on her birthday?


74.When is Tina's birthday?


75.How does Andy usually celebrate his birthday?


  71、HeisfromChina.细节理解题.根据"I eat noodles with my parents.In Chinese tradition,eating noodles on the birthday is a&nbs...
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