字典翻译 问答 小学 英语 Conventionalwisdomisamajorbarriertoinnovation(创新)thatthreatensthesurvivalofcompanieseverywhere.It'sbasedontheassumptionthatoldideaswillalwayswork,sotheyshouldn'tbechallenged.Whilethismaybeavalidassumptio

Conventional wisdom is a major barrier to innovation(创新)that threatens the survival of companies everywhere.It's based on the assumption that old ideas will always work,so they shouldn't be challenged.While this may be a valid assumption in situations that don't change,it's unlikely to hold true in a changing situation.In today's rapid changing global environment,old methods often don't work,and stubbornly using them can lead to major problems.

Most people seem to agree with conventional wisdom because it gives one a false sense of security.If everyone else believes it,then it must be true.Individuals who use conventional wisdom are certain that they are right,and being right is good.They want to continue using old ideas rather than take risks with changes that might not work.In 1977,Ken Olsen,co-founder and CEO of Digital Equipment Corporation(DEC),stated"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home."Despite being a dominant leader in the computer industry,DEC no longer exists.

People seem to forget that since innovation is a change,there can be no innovation without change.Unfortunately,conventional wisdom prevents leaders,followers and companies from changing and therefore innovating.If companies don't innovate,but their competitors do,the future is likely to be problematic.Breaking from conventional wisdom has led to many of the most innovative companies and products in history across many industries,so it has a powerful effect on business success.

Ted Turner(founder of CNN) knew little,if anything,about the news business,but he knew it was inconvenient to watch news only at the dinner hour,as was common before CNN.Turner's solution was to create a cable channel devoted to news 24hours a day.The news establishment reflected conventional wisdom at the time,and predicted his idea would fail because no one wanted to watch the news all day.However,it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that

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