高考英语语法题翻译(L)(2003年春季卷)21. “The room is so dirty. Shall we clean it?” “Of course. ” “这个房间这么脏。我们要不要打扫一下?”“当然。”22. “The boys are not doing a good job at all, are they?” “I guess not. ” “这些男孩子根本没有在好好地工作,是吗?”“我不这么认为。”23. “I’m sorry I’m calling you so late. ” “That’s okay. ” “我这么晚还打电话给你,真是对不起。”“没关系。”24. There’s a dictionary on the desk by your side. 在你旁边的桌子上有一本字典。25. “Are you still thinking about yesterday’s game?” “Oh, that’s what makes me feel excited. ” “你还在想昨天的比赛吗?”“哦,那是让我感到兴奋的事。”26. “When will you come to see me, Dad?” “I will go to see you when you finish the training course. ” “爸爸,你什么时候会来看我?”“当你完成训练课程时我会去看你的。”27. “How long have you been employed at this job?” “Since 1990. ” “你做这份工作多长时间了?”“从1990年开始就做了。”28. The manager has got a good business sense so the company is doing well. 这个经理具有很好的商业意识,所以公司现在运营得很好。29. “Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?” “Yes. He had never praised him until he became one of the top students in his grade. ” “当他读书的时候他的父亲是不是对他要求很严?”“是的,直到他成为他们年级的一个尖子生他的父亲才表扬了他。”30. “I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down. ” “You can never be too careful in the street. ” “当我正沿着街道骑车的时候,一辆汽车突然超车,把我给撞倒了。”“在街上的时候你越小心越好。”31. We are living in an age when many things are done on computer. 我们生活在一个计算机做很多事情的年代。32. The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to make it out. 我对这个概念如此迷惑,所以我停下来几秒钟,试图把它弄明白。33. “You don’t look very well. Are you ill?” “No, I’m just a bit tired. ” “你看起来不太好,你生病了吗?”“不是,我只是有点累。”34. “What happened to the priceless works of art?” “They were destroyed in the earthquake. ” “这些无价的艺术作品发生了什么事?”“它们在地震中被损坏了。”35. Mr. Smith, tired of the boring speech, started to read a novel. 史密斯先生对这枯燥的演讲感到厌烦,他开始读起小说来。 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~