字典翻译 问答 小学 英语 Mobilephoneuserswillbeabletochargetheirdeviceswirelesslyforthefirsttimefrom2015.Fujitsu,theJapanesetechnologycompany,hascreatedasystemcapableofchargingquiteafewportableelectronicdevicesinthemeanwhile,suchas

Mobile phone users will be able to charge their devices wirelessly for the first time from 2015.

Fujitsu,the Japanese technology company,has created a system capable of charging quite a few portable electronic devices in the meanwhile,such as mobile phones,digital cameras and laptop computers without the need for cable connections.Electric cars users may also eventually be able to charge their vehicles wirelessly using the same technology according to Fujitsu,which presented a system at an Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers Conference at Osaka Prefecture University.

Claiming to be the world's first of its kind,the technology works on the basis of the transmission of electricity using magnetic fields between the charger and the electronic device.The system enables wireless charging at distances of up to several metres,with the final aim of installing public"charging spots"on the streets in order to enable easy charging around the clock.

Scientists at Fujitsu Laboratories are planning to commercially sell products including the new wireless charging system as early as 2012but did not make it clear how much they would cost."This technology makes it possible to add compact wireless charging functions into mobile phones and enabling several portable devices to be charged at the same time without any restrictions(限制)on their position in association with the charger,"the company said in a statement.

The growing popularity of portable electronic devices ranging from iPads to e-readers is expected to fuel a boom in wireless recharging technology developments over the coming decade.

Mobile phone users in Japan can currently fill up their batteries using disposable(一次性的)portable plug-in battery-operated devices--available at most train stations and convenience stores--although phone companies warn any use for too long can damage the phones.

The new system displayed by F

  55.B.写作意图题.本文开篇(Mobilephoneuserswillbeabletochargetheirdeviceswirelesslyforthefirsttimefrom2015.)点题:介绍手机无线充电技术.故选B.   56.C.细节理解题.根据第三段中的"thetechnologyworksonthebasisofthetransmissionofelectricityusingmagneticfieldsbetweenthechargerandtheelectronicdevice."可知选C.   57.C.细节判断题.根据第四段中的"enablingseveralportabledevicestobechargedatthesametime"可知A项陈述错误;根据倒数第二段中的"availablemostattrainstationsandconveniencestores"可知B项陈述错误;根据最后一段,可知此技术前景光明,D项错误.只有C项与第三段中的"Thesystemenableswirelesschargingatdistancesofuptoseveralmetres"相符.故选C.
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