字典翻译 问答 小学 英语 IwillneverforgetthelunchtimewhenIwasinthesecondgrade.Ihadbeen(36)___tobetheprincessintheschoolplay,andforweeksmymotherhadpracticedmy(37)___withmewordbyword.ButnomatterhoweasilyI(38)___themat

I will never forget the lunchtime when I was in the second grade.I had been (36)___ to be the princess in the school play,and for weeks my mother had practiced my(37)___ with me word by word.But no matter how easily I(38)___ them at home,as soon as I stepped onstage,every word (39)___ from my head.

Finally,my teacher took me aside.She explained that she had created a narrator's(旁白的)(40)___ to the play,and asked me to(41)___roles.When I got home for lunch that day,I started to cry as I told my mother what had happened.She listened and smiled encouragingly.Instead of having lunch,she asked if I wanted to walk in the yard.

It was a lovely spring day and the rose vine(藤) was turning green.Under the trees,we could see yellow dandelions(蒲公英)(42)___ out of the grass in bunches,(43)___ a painter had touched our landscape with drops of gold.I watched my mother(44)___ bend down by one of the flowers."I think I'm going to dig up all these weeds,"she said,(45)___ a dandelion hard by its roots."From now on,we'll have only roses in this garden."

"But I like dandelions,"I (46)___."All flowers are beautiful---even dandelions."My mother looked at me seriously."Yes,every flower gives(47)___ in its own way,doesn't it?"She asked thoughtfully.I nodded,(48)___ that I had won her over."And that is(49)___ of people too,"she (50)___."Not everyone can be a princess,but there is no(51)___ in that."

"But you will be a beautiful narrator,"she said,(52)___ me of how much I loved to read stories aloud to her as a child"The narrator's part is(53)___ as important as the part of a princess."

(54)___ the next few weeks,with her constant (55)___,I learned to take pride in the role.


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