字典翻译 星座 十二星座 百科 双子座男生星座男双子座最配的星座


百科   2025-03-02


点击进入检查全文2013虎年运势测算,走好运,发大财!我收场是INFP还是INTP?!我感觉都有点情理~以前更偏向T然而此刻肖似偏向于F了…所以才更烦!英文版:结果:INFP中文简化版:nality-test-psytopic-special-edition.html结果:INTP(跟很久以前做的结果整齐)PS元气?心灵左右:外向E-外向I看法世界:实感S-直觉N鉴定事物:头脑T-感F生态度:鉴定J-知觉P-----英文疏解:Healers present acalm and serene face to the world,and can seem shy,even distant around others.But inside they're anything but serene,having acapacity for personal caring rarely found in the other types.Healers care deeply about the inner life of afew special persons,or about afavorite cause in the world at large.And their great passion is to heal the conflicts that trouble individuals,or that divide groups,and thus to bring wholeness,or health,to themselves,their loved ones,and their counity.Healers have aprofound sense of idealism that comes from astrong personal sense of right and wrong.They conceive of the world as an ethical,honorable place,full of wondrous possibilities and potential goods.In fact,to understand Healers,we must understand that their deep coitment to the positive and the good is almost boundless and selfless,inspiring them to make extra ordinary sacrifices for someone or something they believe in.Set off from the rest of humanity by their privacy and scarcity(around one percent of the population),Healers can feel even more isolated in the purity of their idealism.Also,Healers might well feel asense of separation because of their often misunderstood childhood.Healers live afantasy-filled childhood-they are the prince or princess of fairy tales-an attitude which,sadly,is frowned upon,or even punished,by many parents.With parents who want them to get their head out of the clouds,Healers begin to believe they are bad to be so fanciful,so dreamy,and can come to see themselves as ugly ducklings.In truth,they are quite OK just as they are,only different from most others-swans reared in afamily of ducks.At work,Healers are adaptable,welcome new ideas and new information,are patient with complicated situations,but impatient with routine details.Healers are keenly aware of people and their feelings,and relate well with most others.Because of their deep-seated reserve,however,they can work quite happily alone.When making decisions,Healers follow their heart not their head,which means they can make errors of fact,but seldom of feeling.They have anatural interest in scholarly activities and demonstrate,like the other Idealists,a remarkable facility with language.They have agift for interpreting stories,as well as for creating them,and thus often write in lyric,poetic fashion.Frequently they hear acall to go forth into the world and help others,a call they seem ready to answer,even if they must sacrifice their own comfort.Career Literature/Writer Humanities Web Design Philosophy Archaeology Religious Education Psychology Counseling附:另一版英文疏解:=====中文疏解:对任何感兴会的事物,都要索求一个正当的疏解。喜好实践和抽象的事,喜好理念头脑多于社动。安宁,知足,有弹,适应力强。在他们感兴会的界限内,有非凡的才能去专一而深入地操持题目。有怀疑肉体,有时喜好批评,一般擅长了解。INTP型的是操持感题目者。他们很有才智和条感,以及兴办才调的逾越展现。INTP型的概况恬静、缄默、超然,心里却废寝忘食于了解题目。他们奢求精细、惯于怀疑。他们勤劳寻找和行使则以了解许多想。他们喜好有条理和有目的的谈,而且大概会仅仅为了兴旺,琢磨一些有益而琐细的题目。唯有有条理的推理才会使他们信服。一般INTP型的是足智多谋、有独立主意的琢磨者。他们珍才智,看待小我才能有猛烈的愿望,有才能也很感兴会向他挑唆。INTP型的最严酷的兴会在于了解彰着的事物之外的大概。他们乐于为了校对事物的目前境况或操持难题而实施琢磨。他们的琢磨形式极其杂乱,而且他们能很好地组织概念和想。有时,他们的想出格杂乱,乃至于很难向他抒发和被他了解。INTP型的十分独立,喜好冒险和富饶想象力的动。他们敏捷易变、头脑坦荡,更感兴会的是觉察有创见而且正当的操持方法,而不是仅仅看到为梦想的操持形式。您?合的范围有:计算机技术实践研究、学术范围业余范围兴办范围等您?合的职业有:·电脑软件策画师·体系了解员·计算机步调员·研究开导业余员·数据库治理·打击消灭专家·策略规划师·金融规划师·新闻任事开导商·改良治理照应·企业金融律师·大学传授·科研机构研究员·数学家·物理学家·经济学家·考古学家·历史学家·证券了解师·金融投资照应·律师·律照应·财务专家·侦探·各类发明家·作家·策画师·音乐家·家·赏玩~~又看了好多了解,觉察还是更INTP一点。可是我感觉被实践整的我也很F了此刻,要不何如老婆婆的随地想找聊天帮操持心绪题目以解自身的闷的~btw,们有抑塞的事自动短我哈!我好有事做!24小时收费任事!类别:精灵索求不学术浏览本文的人还感兴趣黑执事的主题曲地面之城口琴宝莲灯前传米巧妙妙屋高清黑执事桌面文章根源地址:


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