【词语】 直白
【全拼】: 【zhí bái 】
【释义】: 坦率;干脆爽快:直白地说,他爱你只贪图你有钱。
2、 他说:"我们正在追赶美国人,但是还不能像法国人、意大利人和希腊人那样直白地表达情感。"
3、 这两部电影都十分直白,对白低俗,而且充斥着暴力镜头。
4、 用一种独特的口音说话;有筹集资金的独特能力;文学中罕见的直白;独特的赴宴经历。
直白 网络解释
1。 naked:pure,|纯粹 | naked,|直白 | fragile|渺茫的
2。 SINDY:COCO———一个见过最得意的湛江妹妹,温柔,体贴,善良,爱你! | SINDY———一个寡言少语,内心火爆的女人,直白,有义气,爱你! | NINA———小嘴巴,皮肤白白,温柔,文静,心思细腻,爱你!
3。 zhi bai:即管 ji guan | 直白 zhi bai | 直程 zhi cheng
直白 双语例句
1。 第五、俺真不想这么直白,但残酷的事实是大多数中国人认为美国人很傻。
Last, and I hate to be so blunt, but the brutal truth is that most Chinese consider Americans stupid。
2。 这种直白爽利倒是非常适合西方社会的。在讲求中庸一团和气的中国社会,这种姿态是具挑战性的,先验性的。
Mabey the straightforward suitwell for western society, but in traditional china be particularabout intermediary and reconcile, this kind of attitude have thecharacter of challenge and go ahead of test。
3。 如果他们很直白的话,你很容易就会知道的。
If they`re straight, you`ll know it!
4。 说的直白点,你不需要我告诉你。
Remember, my goal is to stay in the game。
5。 最直白的回答是,我们不知道答案,我们真的不知道生命是什么。
And the honest answer is, we don`t know。
6。 你:很好,我很感谢你能如此直白坦诚的告诉我。
You: Right, I appreciate you being straight with me。
7。 这是一题非常直白的问题,你应该提供一个正面积极的回答。
While this is a straightforward question, you should make sure to accentuate the positive in your answer。
8。 当他不认为应该做某件事的时候他是坦率直白的。
He can be honest and blunt when he strongly believes that something should not be done。
9。 关于第三点,和您的理解是样的,我是想表达的更直白一些。
Boston Tea Party, an American political party which espouses a libertarian ideology, founded in 2006
10。 艾利尔特健硕强悍且身经百战,他手下的陆战队员并不是谁都喜欢他,他把他的。45口径手的枪握在手里,直白地告诉他手下的士兵说,如果他们挖好堑壕、坚守阵地、全力战斗,就能够活到第二天早晨;但如果他们临阵逃跑,他将亲自枪毙他们。
Tough, battlewise, and not particularly well—liked, even by his own Marines, he balanced his。45—caliber pistol in the palm of his hand and bluntly advised the soldiers that if they dug in, stayed, and fought, they would be there in the morning; but if they got up to run, he would shoot them himself。
11。 一方面,直白的表达方式和某些北欧成员代表的表达方式假定换成法语或意大利语会显得失礼;另一方面,造作华丽的,借用其他语言的表达方式也会让一个瑞典译员的翻译听着滑稽。
The straightforward forms of address and modes of expression of certain Scandinavian delegates could seem barely civil if put, say, into French or Italian; on the other hand, an artificially flowery style borrowed from another language could make a Swedish interpreter sound ridiculous。
12。 你和领导说话这么直白,不怕他给你穿小鞋吗?
You talk to your boss so bluntly, aren't you afraid that he will give you a hard time?
13。 白崇民以一己之身的受困,对中国社会严重的贪腐现象进行了明确直白的质疑。
Taking himself in an awful jam as an excuse, Bai Chongmin straightforwardly criticized the phenomenon of serious corruption in today`s Chinese society。
14。 那么现在,直白地,简单地说,我想说,我爱你们。
So now, plainly, simply, I want to say that I love you both。
15。 他很简单、很纯粹的表现方式,有时让人错愕,惊讶于他的勇敢与直白。
His simple and pure expression, sometimes frightened, surprised people by his bravery and straightforward。
16。 显然地它不能是直白的隐喻,所以,这个象征符要出其不意的。
It is clear that there are nodirect metaphors; therefore, the symbol will likely be out of the blue。
17。 本书是从其游历世界的过程中经历的不幸遭遇中选取的一些令人不可容忍的故事,经过其直白的语言烹制出一道当季的地狱羹。
In The Nasty Bits, he serves up a well—seasoned hellbroth of candid, often outrageous stories from his worldwide misadventures。
18。 通过对形成曲调风格各音乐要素包括旋律音程、调式、曲式、节奏、衬词等的分析,来探讨菏泽地区的民歌风格:1、旋律带有明显的菏泽地方口音,有着鲜明的菏泽语音特点,2、调式上以五声、六声变宫调式为主,3、曲式是由单段体曲式结构及其各种变形、和花鼓的多段联曲构成。4、节奏速度多为中速,紧凑律动,常以均分的八分音符为主,5、菏泽民歌的衬词有很多种,劳动号子为了协调生产,鼓舞志气,多以衬词来领夯,菏泽儿歌结构短小、叙事性强、少衬词。6、种类上以劳动号子、儿歌为多见,语言风格上爽快直白。
Through the formation of the music style tunes, including elements of melody interval, mode, Form, rhythm, and lines such as word analysis, to explore Heze in the folk style: 1, with a clear melody of the Heze local accent, has a distinctive voice characteristics of Heze, 2, with five—on—sound, sound changed Palace for the six—oriented, 3, Form by the single paragraph of the structure and its Form Deformation, And the Drum sections of a song。
19。 有人可能问如果使用直白的英语,那对于那些英语为母语的人又会是一个糟糕的灾难,那该怎么办?
Somebody asks what if the plain English is a fatal disaster for those native English speakers?
20。 因为王菲所住的晴翠园和丽高王府有很多出口,香港记者怕漏掉任何一个口,所以基本上每个口都有人坐在车上把守,另外还要一些车自由行走,所以每家报社至少有两辆车,最多则有5辆车,按照每小时平均要80元来计算,一天下来一辆车基本都要800元左右,要是租5辆则是4000元了,所以有香港记者直白地说,现在守王菲只是比谁烧的钱多,肯花钱去增加配备,那么拍到独家的可能性更高。
Because as Faye Wong live Ching Lai Court and the high palace of a feudal prince many exports, Hong Kong journalists that the omission of any one mouth, so basically every person sitting in a mouth on guard, and also some car free to go, so every newspaper at least two vehicles, the largest five vehicles, according to an average of 80 per hour for calculation, day down to 800 billion yuan basically a vehicle, if the rent was 4, 000 yuan a five vehicles, a Hong Kong reporter put it bluntly, now defending as Faye Wong is competing to see who burned the coffers are full, willing to spend money to increase with, then the possibility of a higher chance exclusive。