字典翻译 语文 语文知识 基础知识 咦的近义词是什么


基础知识   2025-02-15






1. yi:小兔觉得有点凉,拉起毛巾毯(tan)盖在身上. 凉风轻轻地吹呀,吹呀,小兔还是觉得有点凉,干脆(cui)把毛巾毯也盖在身上. 这一叫,小兔惊得张大了眼,仔细一看,咦(yi),自己还是睡在席子上,小被子小毯子叠(die)得好好的,放在席子边.

2. Hello:What does looking good have to do with dying?|好看跟死有什么关系? | Hello.|咦 | What's that?|什么东西?

3. People only see what they are prepared to see:29.都怪你... I must have no hatred or bitterness towards anyon... | 30.咦? People only see what they are prepared to see. | 31.好想见你 There is something curiously boring about somebody else's happine...

4. kgx:乸 bxgu | 咦 kgx | 咯 ktk

咦 双语例句

1. ,咦,是IBM啊,这里还有哪些大企业呢

B: What is the goal of DLSP?

2. 咦?!要是我死了的话,那我就有我72个处子啦!!

A: Wait, if I'm dead, that means I get my 72 virgins!

3. 咦?刀被丝巾一分为二了?

Dao is cut into two pieces by silk hankerchief?

4. 那是我要做的事-咦?

That's what I'll do. Hmm?

5. 除了已有的标准功能,它还包括其他特性,如品质、过程咦鞴芾怼⒁约罢{整报告等。

Beyond the standard functionality that is offered, other features are included, e. g., quality, process operations management, and regulatory reporting.

6. 没有,大人。"咦,那么我怎么会自由了呢?"

No, your excellency."Well, then, how am I free? "

7. 咦,那只小狗狗在吃肉骨头呢。

Yo-ho, that dog is eating the bone.

8. 显然,一些暴徒出现在公园凯悦公寓在北京去年12月下旬全国各地一泼欧米茄的广告牌,节目包括章资咦黑色墨水。

Apparently, some goons showed up at the Park Hyatt Residence in Beijing late last December and splashed black ink all over an OMEGA ad billboard which featured Zhang Ziyi.

9. 咦?怎么啦?哈,原来是嫩红色的小小的花。

Why? How you? Kazakhstan, it was tender small red flowers.

10. 圣:咦,你说这是真实的世界?

Then, are you telling me that this is a real world?

11. 咦,你怎么做到的呢?

Hey, how did you do that?

12. 咦~你是在看我吗?

Never give up, hold on and carry on

13. 咦,你不会是在想我们毕业后一起到欧洲旅行,是吧?

Say, you don't suppose we could travel to Europe together after graduation, do you?

14. 咦,那边那个身穿胶布雨衣、瘦瘦高高的蠢货是谁呀?

Now who is that lankylooking galoot over there in the macintosh?

15. 593布卢姆:(裹着襁褓和斗篷,脑袋挺大,乌黑的头发恰似胎膜。一双大眼睛盯着她那晃来晃去的衬裙,用胖嘟嘟的指头数着上面的青铜扣子。他伸出湿漉漉的舌头,口齿不清他说:)一、二、山、山〔三〕、儿、咦〔一。

BLOOM:(In babylinen and pelisse, bigheaded, with a caul of dark hair, fixes big eyes on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles with a chubby finger, his moist tongue lolling and lisping) One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone.

16. 咦!我这时才发现,窗玻璃上湿润润的,原来,外面还下着毛毛细雨呢。。。。

Well! I only then discovered by now, on windowpane moist Run, originally, outside is also having the infant drizzle....

17. 有一天,我急得把土壤挖开,咦?

One day, I am anxious to reopen the soil, Why?

18. 咦,你有自己的燕尾服,你是怎么打你的领结的?

Well, you have your own tuxedo, how did you tie your bow tie?

19. 咦,有一个脏兮兮的东西在那边,让我看看她是谁?

Look, a dirty thing is over there. Let me go and have a look.

20. 咦,为什么我用WORD做的字谜表格,粘上去是这个死样子

The main board of a computer, containing all the circuits

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