字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 My English Teacher

My English Teacher

写人   2025-02-20

Of all th tachrs, I lov my nglish tachr bst. H is a vry good tachr and about thirty yars old. W all call him Mr Chu. H is not tall but a littl fat. H is a man with a good sns of humour and always frindly to us. W all lik him and his lsson. In his class, w fl vry happy. H always maks his nglish lsson intrsting. W know nglish is rathr difficult to larn but in his class, w fl nglish is vry asy, and also vry intrsting.

H oftn shows us how to larn nglish wll. H asks us to listn, to rad, to say and to writ. Aftr class, w always talk with him in nglish. H vn lnds nglish books to us. If w hav difficulty in undrstanding, w can go and ask him. H is always happy to hlp us.

H not only cars for our study, but also for our lif. On day, on of my classmats, Li Tong had a bad cold. H took hr to s a doctor, and got som mdicin for hr. Thn h snt hr hom. Whn Li Tong stayd at hom, Mr Chu wnt to hr hom and hlpd hr with hr lssons. Svral days latr, sh was abl to go back to school.

This is my nglish tachr. What do you think of him?

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