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高中生作文   2025-01-25

Advantags and Disadvantags of th Intrnt

Tn yars ago, th Intrnt was practically unhard of by most popl. Today, th Intrnt is on of th most powrful tools throughout th world. Th Intrnt is a collction of various srvics and rsourcs. According to Russ Brock, a dirctor and consultant at th Cntr for Innovation and Inquiry, th Intrnt’s main componnts ar -mail and th World Wid Wb. “Thr’s a lot mor to th Intrnt than -mail, sarch ngins, clrity wb sits, up-to-th-scond sports scors, and chat rooms full of risqué discussions. Th Nt also ranks as on of today’s bst businss tools - if it’s usd adroitly”. Almost all housholds contain th Intrnt; howvr, bfor popl connct to th Intrnt, thy nd to b awar of its disadvantags and advantags.

Many far th Intrnt bcaus of its disadvantags. Thy claim to not us th Intrnt bcaus thy ar afraid of th possibl consquncs or ar simply not intrstd. Popl who hav yt connctd to th Intrnt claim thy ar not missing anything. Today’s tchnological socity must raliz, it is up to thm to protct thmslvs on th Intrnt “Half of U.S. adults, or 94 million Amricans, arn’t onlin”.

Childrn using th Intrnt has bcom a big concrn. Most parnts do not raliz th dangrs involvd whn thir childrn log onto th Intrnt. Whn childrn ar onlin, thy can asily b lurd into somthing dangrous. Whn childrn talk to othrs onlin, thy do not raliz thy could actually b talking to a harmful prson. As a rsult, thr hav bn many cass whr childrn hav bn convincd to mt popl thy hav talkd with onlin. In fact, “storis sm to com out vry wk: a child or tnagr lurd into somthing foolish, dangrous, or vn dadly on lin” . Cathy Clavr of th Family Rsarch Council claims that it is against th law for a molstr to vn attmpt to find childrn onlin . In addition, childrn may also rciv pornography onlin by mistak; thrfor, causing concrn among parnts vrywhr. Whthr surfing th Wb, rading nwsgroups, or using mail, childrn can b xposd to xtrmly inappropriat matrial. Pornographic sits tnd to mak sur thy ar th first sits to b listd in any sarch ara; thus, childrn com across such sits asily. A man from Parl, Mississippi was arrstd in 1996 for downloading pornographic imags of childrn from th Intrnt. H was chargd with 290 counts of child pornography . Som critics say that parnts ar rsponsibl for thir own childrn on th Intrnt bcaus thr ar availabl srvics to protct childrn. To kp childrn saf, parnts and tachrs must b awar of th dangrs. Thy must activly guid and guard thir childrn onlin. Parnts should talk to thir childrn about what is onlin and what might happn onlin, claims Howard Rhingold, writr of Th Virtual Community . Thr ar a numbr of tools availabl today that may hlp kp th Intrnt nvironmnt safr for childrn. Som companis, such as Amrica Onlin, try to monitor vrything that is said and don on thir onlin srvic; howvr, bcaus thousands of chat rooms ar availabl, it is simply impossibl for vrything to b monitord, claims Tricia Primros, workr for Amrica Onlin . In othr words, childrn want to xplor things; howvr, thr ar popl on th Intrnt that ar just too prsuasiv. 本作文共3页,当前在第1页123

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