A Volunteer Labour(一次公益活动)
On April 28th, my classmats and I wnt to th park nar my school whr w took part in a voluntr labor.
W got thr at nin o'clock. Aftr dividd into thr groups, w bgan to work.
ach group had thir own tasks. Group on plantd trs and watrd flowrs. Group Two pickd up littr lft by tourists and cland th bnchs. My group wipd all th quipmnt in Childrn's Playground. ach of us workd hard.
At about half past lvn, w finishd working. Though w wr tird,w wr happy. It was a maningful day for us bcaus w had don a good dd. 五一前夕——4月28日,我和我的同学去学校附近的公园参加了一次公益劳动。
大约十一点半,我们结束了劳动。尽管我们都很累,却很高兴。这一天对于我们大家来说都很有意义,因为我们做了一件好事。 Last Saturday--April 28th, my classmats and I wnt to th park nar my school. Can you guss what w did thr?Not for amusmnt but to tak part in a voluntr labour.
W rachd th park at nin o'clock. Th whol class was dividd into thr groups. I was in Group Thr.
ach group had diffrnt tasks. Group On plantd trs and watrd flowrs. Group Two was told to pick up littr lft by th tourists and cland all th bnchs. Th group that I was in wipd all th quipmnt in th Childrn's Playground. All of us workd hard.
Bfor noon w finishd working. ach of us flt a littl bit tird, but w wr happy bcaus w had don a good dd. 上周六一4月28日,我和同学去了学校附近的公园。你能猜猜我们去做什么了吗?不是去玩而是去参加公益劳动。