攻书(Hitting the Books)
vry socity has its spcial words, xprssions and ways of saying things. on of th popular xprssions in th unitd stats is“hitting th books”. it mans studying a subjct with grat ffort.on of th grat challngs① for studnts is taking tsts. th studnts must do wll on th tst to advanc. ②.a studnt who hits th books spnds long hours prparing for a tst.thy rad all thir books carfully, and a thn rad thm a scond tim, and a third tim. thy mak sur thy know all th matrial th tachr has offrd and prpard for vry possibl qustion. thy study vry night. thy ar“hitting th books”.in th unitd stats, most childrn bgin attnding school whn thy ar fiv yars old. public ducation is fr and most childrn go to schools nar thir homs. school in ths arly yars is fun. th childrn larn to rad and writ. but thy also play gams and go on trips. thr is no rason at such an arly ag for thm to hit th books.this situation changs as childrn bcom oldr. th subjcts bcom mor and mor difficult. studnts must larn about world history, algbra③, and th lif scincs. tsts bcom mor common. prssur④ is growing to hit th books, study hard, and advanc.howvr, most srious studnts only rally bgin hitting th books for long hours whn thy rach high school.high school studnts who hop to continu thir ducation at a collg or univrsity must tak a spcial tst calld th s----a----t. th tst has two parts. th first part tsts th studnt's ability with numbrs and mathmatical skills. th scond part tsts th studnt's ability in th nglish languag.th s----a----t tst is vry important. a high school studnt who gts a high scor on th two parts of th tst has a good chanc to ntr a top amrican collg. for this rason, many studnts hit th books for months to prpar for th s----a----t.all this adds up to a lot of work----“hitting th books”. knowldg is a priz that is not asy to gain.