prsntly, a nw lifstyl calld low carbon lif is sprading vry cornr of our country. th concpts of low carbon ar low nrgy and no wast. it is such a significant projct that i can‘t wait to prsnt my idas on how to promot it. on th first plac, a no-car day is supposd to st up vry wk in our school. bcaus cars not only caus srious air pollution but also wast nrgy. on no-car day, nithr studnts nor tachrs ar allowd to driv to school. manwhil, just walk, jump, cycl or run. us our lgs and njoy th fun. on th scond plac, w had bst not us plastic bags any mor. no on can stand th “whit pollution”。 so, it is wis to us bags which can b rusd again and again. finally, on thing that w should kp in mind: vry big thing coms from th subtl. thrfor, as studnts, w ought to turn out th lights th momnt w lav, turn off th tap in tim, and rus our txtbook and so on. all in all, it wighs gratly for all of us to put th low carbon lifstyl into practic. just st our mind to ths: no-car day, no plastic bags, and no wast. lt‘s do it now.