Being An Honest Girl
Last summr holiday, I wnt to th Intrnational nglish summr camp in Shanghai.
On 24th July, my two good frinds and I wr on duty. Whn w finishd claning th classroom, it was about 8:50 in th vning. Thn w prpard to go to studnts’ dorm.
Outsid th building, it was vry dark. Thr was only a moon and som small stars in th sky. At that momnt, w wr all afraid.
On our way to th dorm, I walkd in front of thm. I was looking at th ground whil I was walking. Suddnly, I saw svral pics of papr on th ground. What is it?I was vry curious. Thn I pickd it up. Oh, it was mony. It was 45 yuan altogthr. Latr, on of my frinds ran to m,May, look, I found 5 yuan! Was this a coincidnc? I put th mony togthr. Whn I got to my bdroom. I gav th mony to th tachr. At last, th tachr found th ownr.
Mony is important, but mony is not anything and cannot buy all th things in th world.
Honsty is on of ths kinds of things. Its rally important for vryon to b honst. If vryon can b honst, I bliv our world will b mor wondrful!