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On Dining Out-在外用餐,On Dining Out-在外用餐范文

高中生作文   2025-03-07

On Dining Out-在外用餐 第一篇: In my childhood dining out was a wondrful thing to m. vry tim w had a casual visitor of som importanc or th birthday of somon closly rlatd to us was to b clbratd I was anxious to know whthr or not w could din out. To at in a plush rstaurant whr many kinds of food can b sampld usd to b a grat trat to m. Th dramy music, soft lighting, courtous srvic, and dlicacis srvd ar th things to consummat th plasur of ating. Thr you can ordr whatvr you want to at if only you hav nough mony on you. xpnsiv as it may b, dining out indd savs us a lot of troubl gtting things cookd, claring up th tabl and washing dirty dishs. But now my intrst in dining out has gradually diminishd. In th first plac it is not conomical, and not saf. I can not but allow for th possibility of catching a disas in an ating plac. Th nois mad by many popl ating togthr in a rstaurant can also spoil my apptit. Asid from all this, th strongst rason that kps m from having th itch to din out is my having got an xcllnt cook in my own hous--my mothr. 第二篇: In a bustling urban district rstaurants of vry dscription can oftn b found. Thy satisfy us with wll-prpard food and sav us th troubl of cooking a mal at th plac whr w liv. Most popl, spcially th unmarrid, lik to din out, and rstaurants hav thus bcom a prmannt part of th urban scn. Howvr, in th hadlong rush to turn a quick profit, rstaurants, spcially thos scond-rat ons, ar likly to srv unsanitary food to thir customrs, a tndncy much hlpd by th nglignc in claning usd dishs and also by th failur to kp food wll prsrvd. It gos without saving that som rstaurants ar virtually th brding ground of disas-carrying grms and an infctious disas can asily sprad from a grm-carrying disasd prson to a halthy on. Th wid sprad of infctious disass can pos srious problms. On way around this is for th halth authoritis to stablish rigorous rgulations govrning th running of a rstaurant. On th othr hand, rstauraturs should also hav a sns of hygin and conform to businss thics. W ar all looking forward to th day whn dinrs-out can go vrywhr without far. 第三篇: W usd to din out onc in a whil a fw yars ago. Frs from th kitchn sink, I would war prfum, put on mak-up, gt myslf fashionably bfor going out. Thn my husband and I would ntr a rstaurant hand in hand. How crazy I was about dining out in thos days! But happy days ar usually not long. Last may, Bill, my 35-yar-old husband, lost his job. At that tim our daughtr was only ight months old. Luckily I still had a job. By kping costs down and making vry pnny work, w managd to gt along. Ndlss to say, w hav not dind out sinc thn. On vning whn I was back hom from work, my husband said glfully to m, “Lt's hav dinnr out tonight.” “Ar you srious?” I could hardly bliv my ars. “Of cours, today is your birthday. You’v forgottn it, havn't you?” fiv minuts latr a suit of pink baby war mad our daughtr look lik a littl angl and I put on my favorit orang blous and a prtty long skirt. “W'r surly to hav a good tim.” I was a happy wif. Mayb it was not a wknd or any holiday. Thr wr just a fw customrs in th rstaurant. A smiling waitrss hlpd us ordr th food. Music flowd, soft and dramy. “Nic plac to at,” I thought. Thn I hard th spasmodic cris of my baby daughtr. Hr diapr is wt, lt m chang it, I said to my slf. Suddnly I found myslf standing by hr cradl, waring a wrinkld night gown and bar-footd. All th dlicious dishs, soft music, and lysian atmosphr wr gon. I had a dram! My baby stoppd crying and fll aslp again, but hr fathr was awakd. “You know what?” I said to him and told him what had happnd in my dram. With tndrnss and somhow a littl sorrow, h huggd m gntly, “by th tim I gt a job, th first thing I'll do is taking you out for a dinnr.” 第四篇: Som popl din out to sav th troubl of prparing and cooking food by thmslvs, othrs just want to do this for a chang. But I don’t lik dining out. Som rstaurants car littl about hyginic standards, taking on troubl to s whthr thir dinnr sts ar clan or dirty. Somtims thy srv tasty food but ar nglctful in othr rspcts. Disass ntr by th mouth. So it is important for us to pay attntion to th sanitation of our dinnr sts and food. Insanitary dinnrs ar somtims harmful to our halth. Though th food srvd at a rstaurant is gnrally mor palatabl, w still hav to tak car to s whthr th plac is kpt clan. Furthrmor, dining out is usually a costly affair, whil ating at hom is, as a rul, inxpnsiv and safr. So I think w had bttr avoid dining out. If it is quit ncssary to do that, it is advisabl to go to a plac whr halth risks ar rducd to a minimum. 第五篇: Th rcnt rapid growth of a commrcializd modrn socity has mad it popular for most popl to din out, for it can provid popl with convnint, fast and usually dlicious food. To at out can sav popl th troubl of cooking and washing dirty dishs, and th dinrs can usually njoy thir food in a comfortabl way. Anothr mrit is that by dining out w can sampl a wid varity oz food and thus njoy th ral plasur of ating. But thr is also anothr s id to th practic of dining out: it may b difficult or xpnsiv to ordr th kind of food w prfr and w don’ t k now h thr th food is frsh and clan. Nowadays w hav various foods to njoy. Indd, w can indulg our ating habits as bst w can. It can dc fun, can also b a potntial thrat to our halth. 第六篇: Dining out is nothing spcial to m bcaus I myslf am a dinnr-out. As a studnt who livs away from hom, I am in th habit of dining out instad of taking th troubl to cook a mal by myslf. My advic is that whn you din out ithr at a rstaurant or at a food-stand, you should know whthr th plac whr you at is clan or not .Bad sanitary conditions, you know, brd disass. You should also rfrain from ordring unsasonabl and hnc high-pricd foods bcaus thy wast mony; plain yt protin-rich foods ar usually inxpnsiv and halth building. In a word, if you kp in mind th thr things I hav just mntiond with rgard to ating in a rstaurant, namly, sanitation, nutrition and pric, you will find dining out not a bad ida at all. 第七篇: To most popl dining out sms to b a dlightful xprinc bcaus it can stimulat on’s apptit whil dining at hom all th tim oftn maks on fl bord. Somtim I also lik to go out dining and try somthing diffrnt. Whn I am too tird and hungry to go on my studying in th night, I usually go to th night markt for a snack. At th night markt I can hav a wid slction of food, such as noodls, sa foods and roast bf, which is not only spicy and savory but also good to look at. But on thing that I nvr nglct whn dining out is th sanitation of th food offrd. vrywhr in Taiwan you can s snack vndors, snack bars and various typs of rstaurants, but fw sm to worry about whthr thir plats, bowls and chopsticks hav bn wll washd or sanitizd or qustion whthr food prpard and srvd undr such circumstancs will affct popl’s halth. So whnvr I go out to at, th clanlinss of th plac whr I at rathr than th tast of th food is what rally mattrs to m. And I hop all of us can hd th sanitation problm lst w catch disass whn w din out. On Dining Out-在外用餐

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