字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 A brief introduction to a tourist attraction,A brief introdu

A brief introduction to a tourist attraction,A brief introdu

高中生作文   2025-03-03

A brif introduction to a tourist attraction英语 Wlcom vryon, I am glad that you can com to Pingyao County, whr thr is th oldst Confucius tmpl. It was opnd to th public Monday aftr a on-yar rnovation projct. I hop you can apprciat th spot indd. First, I will show th main building of th tmpl, its th most intrsting spot hr. Scond, w can walk around to s th othr ara of th spot. Finally, I will tll th history of th tmpl. Th main building of th tmpl was built in 1163, in th Yuan Dynasty , and has a history of mor than 840 yars. Compard with othr famous Confucius tmpls nationwid, it was built 248 yars arlir than that in Bijing, and 317 yars arlir than that in Qufu City, Confucius's hom in ast China's Shandong Provinc. Th tmpl in Qufu was addd to th list of th World Cultural Hritags in 1995. Th Pingyao Confucius Tmpl has China's largst statu collction of Confucius and famous ancint Confucian scholars. Covring a total ara of 40,000 squar mtrs, th tmpl has 112 buildings in 16 catgoris. that is th history of th tmpl. Plas visit as you lik. If you hav any qustions, you can ask m. That's all. A brif introduction to a tourist attraction英语

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