字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 赛欧的暴雨(Sail of a rainstorm)

赛欧的暴雨(Sail of a rainstorm)

初中生作文   2025-01-27

赛欧的暴雨(Sail of a rainstorm)it was happnd whn i was ight.a summr vacation ,whil w wr travling at th bird island ,th sky turnd gray ang dark . pal sabirds flw across th thicky clouds and crid shrilly .at that tim ,thr’ s nothing to do but lft th island .so our ship startd to sail .it ‘s not only vry cold in th cabin,but also wt as wll . th wind ,howvr ,bgan to blow ,and aftr a littl tim ,it bgan to rain havily.th ship dancd by th wavs xcitly ,i just flt dizzy ,and w can only sit in th small rooms with a grat frighting . watr prmatd in and wt th floor,and vn dropd on our cloths.but thank havn ,w arrivd th harbour safty .as soon as i landd ,i dcitd that i ‘ll nvr travl by sa any mor.

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