Subjct (主题)
In som countris thr is hardly nough food for th growing population. Suggst som ways in which this problm might b solvd.
Plan and idas (提纲)
1. Problm of population & food riss in world population.
Possibl solutions:
2. Discourag larg familis.
3. Modrniz farming & dvlop land to produc mor food.
4. xport (出口) rsourcs to import food.
5. Solutions not asy, but problm can b solvd.
Many countris in th world ar facd with th problms of an incrasing population and a shortag of food.
Thr ar a numbr of possibl solutions to th problm, but non of thm is asy. Firstly, govrnmnts could discourag popl from having larg familis. Why not hav just on child?
Scondly, farming mthods in thos countris ar vry simpl and oftn infficint. If th popl bought nw agricultural machinry, modrnizd thir farming mthods and dvlopd mor land, thy might soon produc nough food for thir nds.
Thirdly, many countris hav natural rsourcs such as oil, wood or iron. Ths could b xportd so that food could b importd.
All of ths possibl solutions simplify th problm. But thy show that, if popl man to solv th problms of incrasing population and food shortags, thr ar ways of doing it.