字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Meet an Englishman,Meet an Englishman范文

Meet an Englishman,Meet an Englishman范文

高中生作文   2025-02-20

Mt an nglishman I wnt out to s a film aftr suppr. On my way to th cinma, I mt an nglishman namd John, who had lost his way. I gav up th chanc to s th film and took him to his hotl. Whil going thr, I told him th grat changs that had takn plac hr in th past fw yars and John told m somthing about his country. Though I had missd th film, I flt vry happy, for I had not only hlpd John gt out of troubl, but also practisd my spokn nglish. If I had not workd hard at nglish, I would not hav bn abl to hlp John. Mt an nglishman

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