字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 当教师的第一天(My First Day of Teaching)

当教师的第一天(My First Day of Teaching)

高中生作文   2025-03-07

it was a sunday morning. i got up arly and rushd out for bus at half past six. obviously, it was not a usual day-actually,it was my first day as a tachr."it won't b a hard job." i thought aftr mr. lu phond th wk bfor, informing my bing mployd as an nglish tachr of a spar tim school in which h was th dirctor. i didn't find any difficulty in my nw job:th txts wr vry simpl and th studnts i was going to tach wr only primary school pupils, which xplld my worry about making mistaks bfor thm. howvr, i was afraid that i did not at all look lik a tachr and as a rsult, th studnts, wouldn't listn to m.i almost spnt an hour and a half on th way to school. as soon as i arrivd, i rushd to mr. lugs offic. thr, with som othr nw comrs, i listnd to mr. lugs xplanation of working ruls, tachrs' dutis and th curriculum. vrything was all right as i had wishd until i cam to th door of my class room. th bll had alrady rung, but th class was rackting as a rock contst. "how can i manag such a group of naughty childrn?" i hsitatd and thn stppd in.it was a small class with altogthr 20 studnts. som boys wr chasing ach othr madly in dlirious gl whil som girls wr chatting loudly in an xcptionally sharp voic. strang nough, as thy noticd m, thy all rturnd to thir sats and stoppd talking. th only rason i could think out for this was that i lookd lik a tachr, at last in thir ys, which was a grat rlif to m. aftr a brif slf-introduction, i wnt on to giv my first lsson in nglish as i had prpard. to my disappointmnt, all my littl studnts put on a confusing fac, thir ys full of puzzl. somon murmurd, "i don't undrstand."and all th othrs chod with nodding. thy wr mostly in grad 5. i must hav ovrstimatd thm. i switchd to chins at onc.in control was a grat challng.th first day of my taching was not prfct but satisfying nough. sinc thn i had got to know how a tachr should prform and all th situations that a tachr would run into. though my taching has bn much improvd so far, th first day of th job still rmains dp in my mind.

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