字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 其他读后感 《最重要的事,只有一件》读后感700字


其他读后感   2025-02-07

  好书,在看《will it fly》时候作者推荐的。扫了一眼中文版, 感觉翻译并不是特别好。这本书中,虽然许多概念都看到过。但不可否认,这本书写的很好,就像书名一样,did one thing really well. 作者在书中对重点都进行了标注,还有很多经典的引用。


  作者先是花了整个part 1揭露了生活中的几个谎言:

  1. Everything matters equally. Its a lie.

  * 凡事都有优先级。20%的努力决定80%的结果。we should go small, go extreme, say no to non important things.

  * Doing the most important thing is always the most important thing

  2. Multitasking. Its a lie.

  * “Multitasking is merely the opportunity to screw up more than one thing at a time.”

  * It’s not that we have too little time to do all the things we need to do, it’s that we feel the need to do too many things in the time we have.

  3. A disciplined life. Its a lie.

  * 并不需要自律,只需要培养足够好习惯。

  4. Willpower. Its a lie.

  * 意志力就像电池,是有限的资源

  * Do your most important work - your one thing - early.

  5. Balanced life. Its a lie

  * In your effort to attend to all things, everything gets shortchanged.

  * When you act on your priority, youll automatically go out of balance, giving more time to one thing over another.

  * Create a work bucket and a life bucket. 对于工作,要long counterbalance (专注)。而对生活,要short counterbalacne (频繁的在几个纬度中制衡)

  6. Big is bad. Its a lie.

  * “the only actions that become springboards to succeeding big are those informed by big thinking to begin with

  * Think big and act bold.

  在余后的章节中, 作者阐述了如何聚焦最重要的“one thing” -- By asking oneself the focusing question: What is the one thing I can do such that by doing it, everything else will be easier or unnecessary? 作者让我们不断的问自己这个问题,在生命中不同的纬度不停的问这个问题,直到它成为一个习惯。然后倒推出具体可行的行动方案。

  作者告诉我们,一定,一定,一定要确定优先级。并且得找到人生的追求以及意义。说到这里,我想起了尼采的 ”He who has a why to live can bear almost any how“。

  最后,行动吧!Because “Even if youre on the right track, youll get run over if you just sit there!

  下面是我自己的一些 take away:

  对于一些琐事,和无用的信息,我会选择不予理会。比如现在我已经几乎不刷朋友圈,我也不会太在乎着装打扮。对于别人对我的看法,我也毫不在意。These things utterly consume my willpwer and dicipline without giving me much benefit. 不经济,不紧急,and I dont give a shit.

  对于家人,朋友和伙伴的投资必须要加大。来美国以后,很少联系家人,也常常不愿意联系老朋友。这些纬度是很重要的。And I must squeeze time from the life bucket.



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