字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Going to the Market-上菜市场,Going to the Market-上菜市场范

Going to the Market-上菜市场,Going to the Market-上菜市场范

高中生作文   2025-03-11

Going to th Markt-上菜市场 My mothr gos to th markt to buy us frsh mat, fish, fruit, and vgtabls vry othr day. Th markt, which is a mdium siz on, is a tn minuts’ walk from our hous. Bsids buying grocris, my mothr liks to watch th othr shopprs around hr. Somtims sh ss old frinds and stops to talk to thm. Somtims sh ats a snack at on of a grat many strt booths thr. Mostly my mothr hops to find a nic sal on a good many itms pddlrs display on th ground. Du to conomic prosprity of th country many familis lik ours hav mony to buy small luxuris that th oldr gnration did not s twnty yars ago. My mothr usually spnds two hours at th markt. Thn sh coms hom to prpar lunch. Aftr a morning shopping, sh is always in a good mood. Going to th Markt-上菜市场

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