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Bicycles in China

高中生作文   2025-03-26


Bicycles in China

Why dos th bik bcom so popular in China? Th rason for it is obvious. China is a country with a larg population and almost all th family has mor than on bik. Whn you go to work in th morning you will surprisd to find that thr ar so many ciclists during th rush hour. No wondr China is a country calld th kingdom of bicycls.

As is known to all, bicycls hav mor advantags ovr othr transportions. Thy ar chap, convnint and asy to handl. Abov all,

riding bicycl dos good to th popls' halth. As compard with cars, bicycls produc no harmful gass at all. It will nvr pollut our living conditions. That is th main rason why so many popl prfr riding bicycls in China.

Last but not th last is th fact that China is still a backawd country. Mor and mor popl will still us bicycls as mans of transportion whn thy go to and from work. Dfinitly, it has a bright futur and bcoms vn mor popular with th popl in th days to com.

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