字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 读书的方法(The Ways of Reading)

读书的方法(The Ways of Reading)

初中生作文   2025-03-07

读书的方法(Th Ways of Rading)pany w kp, for our habit, and charactr will b as much influncd by th formr as by th lattr.w may obtain knowldg by rading. th mor books w rad, th mor w accumulat th knowldg. is it right? i don't think so. it's not wid rading but usful rading that lads to xcllnc. and only good books can bnifit us.so choosing books is vry important for rading. many studnts spnd a lot of tim rading lgnds and swordsman novls.it's a wast of tim. som studnts vn rad som bad books and it is harmful for thm. so b as carful of th books w rad, as of th company w kp, for our habit and charactr will b as much inflund by th formr as by th lattr.

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