字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 读书心得 英文影评


读书心得   2025-02-14


  Forrest Gump, the movie enone is his great mother, the other is his lifelong lover, Jenny. They accounted for Forrests the bottom of her heart and inspire him any time. In turn she each other, Forrest always loved his Jenny. No matter whatever she had done, whoever she was and wherever she stayed, Forrest still remained in the home of Alabama missing his girl and waiting for her return from day to night.

  This is just Forrest Gump. This is his love. This is his Jenny.

  I also thought of such scene: Forrest kept in the dorm of Jenny and Jenny asked about who he would dream to be. Forrest just gave an answer that he wanted to be himself. I am moved deeply by it because though he is a fool, Forrest knows what he really needs. As to him, he only wants to be himself and fall in love with a lady named Jenny.

  Besides in another scene in pare todays love with Forrests and then gain the feeling of purity. At the end, Forrest Gump, the fool of Alabama, married his lover Jenny and had a little Forrest.

  There are more to consider about Forrest Gump. I believe it is so excellent a movie and every one would be moved by Forrest Gump.

标签: 读后感 大全 小学生 安全 教育 警示 有感
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