字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 我的猫


初中生作文   2025-02-14

我的猫My Cat

I hav a whit cat. It is a prsnt from my mothr on my birthday. It’s vry bautiful. I call it Mimi.

Mimi is vry naughty. Sh liks to play with m. Sh oftn runs hr and thr and liks running aftr somthing. Mimi’s favourit gam is playing with balls, rops and stons. I lov it vry much. Somtims, Mimi is vry gntl. Sh liks to wash hr fac and dosn’t play with m. Aftr lunch, Mimi oftn lis on th sofa to slp. Whn I go hom, Mimi oftn jumps onto my kns. I lik to giv a bath to Mimi.

Oh, my baby cat brings m much happinss. W ar good frinds. I lov Mimi.

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