功能说明:报纸的用途-Uses of a Newspaper,功能说明:报纸的用途-
功能说明:报纸的用途-Uss of a Nwspapr 报纸的用途
Uss of a Nwspapr
What ar th uss of a nwspapr?
Th primary us of a nwspapr is its informativ function①. It informs th public of nws. vry day, by mans of nwspapr, popl rciv th most frsh nws on th world, national, and local vnts.
Nwspaprs also warns th public of dangrs of happnings lik storms to com, disass which can b sprad, dangrous prisonrs who com out from a prison and might hurt popl. Without nwspaprs w might fac ths dangrs with no warning in advanc.
Anothr us of nwspaprs is to instruct. Thy tach us how to cook a dish, tll us how to dal with mony, and show us th way to start a businss, and many othrs. A nwspapr is an inxpnsiv②, liflong③tachr that coms to our homs vry day.
Bsids, nwspaprs kp us plasantly intrstd in things. Humorous storis, funny talks, sports and intrsting articls ar printd in nwspaprs all th yar round. W can njoy thm as w lik.
In th nd, nwspaprs provid spac for advrtismnts. Businsss can tll popl about thir spcial sals, nw stors, srvics, and various goods by printing thir advrtismnts in th nwspaprs.
Nwspaprs ar probably th world's gratst and most popular way to rciv daily nws. But not only do thy inform us, thy also warn us, tach us, ntrtain④ us, and advrtis⑤ for us. Ths ar important uss that can b of grat hlp to th public vry day.
①informativ function信息功能
③liflong['laifl] a.毕生的;终身的
④ntrtain [?nt 'tin] v.使娱乐
⑤advrtis['$dv taiz] v.为……做广告
1)本文也是谈功能的说明文。引言段只有一个句子,作者以设问(rhtorical qustion)的方式开头以引起读者的兴趣。正文分五段,分别谈了报纸的信息功能、警示功能、教导功能、娱乐功能和广告功能。结尾段以重申(rstatmnt)的方式把全文作了总结。这样做可以给读者留下更深刻的印象。
2)文章的每一个扩充段都用了语篇标记词语(discoursmarkr)或衔接词语(cohsiv words);第二段用的是 primary,第三段是also,第四段是anothr,第五段是bsids,第六段是in th nd。这些词语的使用使全文语义上下连贯。
功能说明:报纸的用途-Uss of a Nwspapr