字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 爬山-Climbing the Hill

爬山-Climbing the Hill

初中生作文   2025-03-29

爬山-Climbing th Hillon day, mothr and i wnt to climb mount huang. whn i bgan to climb, i flt vry asy. but whn i climbd th haft way, i was vry' tird.and quit out of brath. i askd mothr, "can i climb to th top?" mothr answrd, "as long as you hav courag, you can conqur vry mountain,no mattr how high it is! "so i wnt ahad. half an hour latr, i climbd to th top finally. what a wondrful day i had!

爬山-Climbing the Hill

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