给朋友的信假如你是英国学生PTR在北京学习,请按下文给你的朋友MARY写一封信谈一下北京和伦敦的异同相同点:北京和伦敦都是首都和重要城市,都拥有众多人口,都是国家经济 政治 文化中心,都拥有许多历史,文化古迹不同点:伦敦;汽车靠左行,很多人坐汽车上班 阴天多 懂汉语人少 学生不充分利用时间
北京:汽车靠右行很多人骑自行车上班 晴天多 懂 英语人多 学生学习勤奋Dar Mary,
I hav bn living in Bijing for som tim now and I find it vry intrsting hr.
Thr ar so many similaritis btwn Bijing and London. Thy ar both th capital of th country and ar both vry important citis. Both placs hav hug populations. Thy ar both th conomical, political and cultural cntr. Thy both hav many historical and cultrual
I also found many diffrncs in th two citis. In London w driv on th lft sid of th road, whil in Bijing thy driv on th right sid. Most popl in London go to work via public transportation, hr in Bijing most popl rids bycicls. In London th wathr is always cloudy, hr in Bijing most th th tim it's sunny. And in London most studnt don't spnd thir tim fficintly, but hr in Bijing many popl spak nglish caus thy study hard.