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高中生作文   2025-01-28

Dirctions: For this part, you ar allowd 30 minuts to writ a composition on th topic Global Shortag of Frsh Watr. You should writ at last 100 words and you should bas your composition on th outlin (givn in Chins) blow:




Global Shortag of Frsh Watr

Thr is frsh watr in rain, in rivrs and wlls. This fact lads us to think that frsh watr is vrywhr and it will nvr b usd up in th world. But th fact is that such a blif is unfortunatly wrong and possibly dangrous.

W know that dspit th fact that svnty prcnt of th arth's surfac is covrd with watr, only a littl part of it is frsh watr. Yt th dmand for frsh watr in our daily lif and in industry sms grat. Morovr, with th xpansion of th populationand dvlopmnt of industry, th amount of th frsh watr ndd will incras vn rapidly. It is stimatd that if such a trnd continus, th frsh watr on arth will b xhaustd vry soon. What is wors, mor and mor watr rsourcs ar bing pollutd, making th watr unfit to us.

W still hav tim if w bgin to act right now. W must warn th popl of th importanc of frsh watr and th dangr w ar facing. W should control th wasts producd by factoris. W should also dvlop nw ways to us our limitd frsh watr mor conomically and rcycl th usd watr. In short, th global shortag of frsh watr can b solvd if som masurs ar takn right away.

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