亲人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny,亲人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny范文
亲人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny英语 我的奶奶
My Granny
Th on I lov bst is my granny. Th on who lovs m bst is also my granny . Sh is so kind that vryon who knows hr liks hr vry much. But I'm sorry to say that my dar granny got cancr.
It was a cold day, but my hart was vn coldr. I could not accpt th fact that my granny got cancr. Facts ar facts. Only an opration could hlp hr. Th doctor told us sh was too wak to b opratd on, but my granny insistd that sh could stand it. So th doctors did th opration. Aftr th opration, my granny could not slp, or at, or say a word bcaus of th pain .
vry on of my family flt sad. My granny noticd this, so sh trid hr bst to nod and smil to us . W smild back. vry day, my granny said sh flt bttr but actually th pain was still thr. Onc, sh said to m, “Yangyang, my dar. I'll b all right.”
My granny was growing thinnr and thinnr, but sh was still smiling. Th smil gav us hop.
Th othr day , I wnt to th hospital to s my granny . Sh said , “Spring is coming. Though I'm in hospital, I can fl th warmth. Yangyang I think I'll go hom soon.”
How I hop sh would b hom soon!
亲人之情:我的奶奶-My Granny英语