字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 The Hero-无意之中成英雄

The Hero-无意之中成英雄

初中生作文   2025-02-05

Th Hro-无意之中成英雄 Th Hro

"Fir! Fir!" what trribl words to har whn on waks up in a strang hous in th middl of th night! It was a larg, old. woodn hous--th sort that burns asily--and my room was on th top floor. I jumpd out of bd, opnd th door and stppd out into th passag. It was full of thick smok.

I bgan to run, but as I was still only halfawak, instad of going towards th stairs I wnt in th opposit dirction. Th smok grw thickr and I could s flams all around. Th floor bcam hot undr my bar ft. I found an opn door and ran into a room to gt to th window. But bfor I could rach it, on of my ft caught in somthing soft and I fll dom, Th thing I had falln ovr flt lik a bundl of cloths, and I pickd it Llp to protct my fac from th smok and hat. Just thn th floor gav way undr m and I crashd to th floor blow with pics of burning wood all around m.

I saw a flaming doorway in front, put th bundl ovr my fac and ran. My ft burnd m trribl, but I got through. As I rachd th cold air outsid, my bundl of cloths gav a thin cry. I narly droppd it in my surpris. Thn I saw a crowd gathrd in th strt. A woman in a night drss au d a borrowd man's coat scramd as sh saw m and cam running madly.

"My baby! My baby!" sh crid. Th crowd chrd wildly as sh took th smokblacknd bundl out of my arms, I had som difficulty in rcognizing hr. Sh was th Mayor's wif and I had savd hr baby. I was a hro!






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