字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 其他读后感 圣诞欢歌英语读后感


其他读后感   2024-12-30

  This is one of Charles Dicken's most enduring stories. The tale of Scrooge is so famous that the word has entered the vernacular as any miserly person who does not enter into the spirit of the season.

  The tale of Ebenezer Scrooge is a fascinating look at the human psyche of a certain type of inpidual, who is mean and lonely and ultimately not happy.

  The ghosts of the past, present and future visit Scrooge and help him see how his beha一viour has impacted on his life, and the way that he is treated by other people as a consequence.

  An interesting story, and an enduring classic that everyone should read!

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