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My friend

小学生作文   2025-03-01

My frindI hav a lot of frinds, but I hav only a fw good frinds. On of thm is my bst frind. W ar both twlv yars old. H is fat and tall. H liks to at orangs and mat. H is vry straight and gnrous. W always hlp ach othr. H is a nic boy and his math is vry good. H liks to play football and basktball. I njoy playing with him bcaus I can larn a lot from him. H can always com up with smart answrs to thos difficult qustions. W usually play togthr aftr school in th aftrnoon. H is vry funny and somtims h tlls m som intrsting storis but somtims h sts m up. Aftr all w gt a long wll. But somtims w fight ach othr. His goal is to b a math tachr. H livs in LinShan and I liv in Xiangshan. But w ar good frinds.

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