字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 其他读后感 罪与罚英文读后感


其他读后感   2025-01-25

  The main character of the novel Crime and punishment by Feodor Dostoevsky, Raskolnikov, is in reality tmit the most terrible crime imaginable - taking another human life. The other part of his personality is the evil of the street, then stops himself when he is revulsed by the wickedness of his society. Why did I take it upon myself to interfere? Was it for me to try to help? Let them eat one another alive - what is it to me? At one time Raskolnikov is both caring and concerned and yet he is able to push aside the whole affair by being totally indifferent. The goal of the novel is to make Raskolnikov into one character. Sonya helps bring Raskolnikov back into his emotional, humane side.

  Through her suffering, she shows him that it is important to ha一ve a love for all humanity and that no person should ever be able to exist like a parasite off of another person. porifery, the official investigating the crime, acts as the intellectual who shows Roskolnikov that all intellect must be used for the good of mankind.

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