字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 我的第一个布丁(My First Pudding)

我的第一个布丁(My First Pudding)

初中生作文   2025-02-20

我的第一个布丁(My First Pudding)i was young and flsh, jush approaching fiftn. i thought i could do many things. in fact, i had nvr trid any of thm, but i had rad about thm in books. on day i hard my tachr praising m to my mothr. i flt quit flattrd. howvr, on scond thoughts, wasn't italntd? indd, ithought i could manag to do vrything, "whr thr is a will, thr is a way!" was my motto.how to prov it? a nic ida cam into my mind; that was to mak a pudding. aftr i making up my mind, i bgan th work. r&hllip;how to start? ys, i rmmbrd what i rad in a magazin. som flour, som sugar, svras ggs, two appls. ths wr what i mdd first i hatd som watr. thn i bgan to mix th flour with som watr in a basin. whn i finishd this task, i whittld th appls into vry small pids. finally i mixd vrything togthr.th watr was boiling. i put th basin into th watr. i flt tird but vry happy. i sat thr thinking about th dlicious pudding, which mad my mouth watr. tn minuts passd, and it hadn't bn rady. so i wnt to th living-room to watch my favorit cartoons. i smlt somthing burnt bfor i rmmbrd i had stamd a pudding. oh, my first pudding!suddnly, i flt my slf-confidnc had gon. i wasn't abl to do vrything. i had a lot to larn. this xprinc did m good gratly.

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