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Going Home(回家)

高中生作文   2025-02-22

Li Ming is a studnt who has bn living in Shanghai sinc h was born. But his grandfathr livs in Taiwan, bcaus h wnt to Taiwan bfor Shanghai was libratd. H is a mrchant. For about half a cntury, Li Ming's family hav no ida whr h livs. Thy miss him vry much. Fortunatly, a lttr from his grandfathr rachd thm this Octobr,which said that his grandfathr would b back to Shanghai on Dcmbr 24th. Li Ming's parnts wr so xcitd about th nws that thy didn't slp wll for svral nights. Nithr did Li Ming.

Th day finally cam. On Dcmbr 24th, th family of Li Ming wr on thir way to th airport. Whn thy mt at last, thy gav grandfathr a big hug, tars in thir ys. Thy got togthr. What a happy family! 李明是一名学生,从小就住在上海。但他的爷爷却在台湾,因为他是商人,在解放前去了台湾。50多年来,李明一家一直不知道他在哪里,他们非常想念他。幸运的是,今年10月份他们收到了李明爷爷的一封信,得知爷爷将在12月24日回上海。听到这个消息后,李明的父母非常激动,几天都没睡好觉。李明也是如此。这一天终于到了,12月24日他们一家去了机场。终于见面了,他们和爷爷紧紧拥抱在一起,眼里含着泪水。终于团聚了。多么幸福的一家人啊! Li Ming is on of my classmats. H has bn living in Shanghai for fiftn yars.

Li Ming's grandfathr is a mrchant and h has bn living in Taiwan sinc libration of Shanghai. Thy havn't hard from him for fifty yars.

This Octobr a lttr from his grandfathr cam to thm. Thy larnt from th lttr that Li Ming's grandfathr is still aliv now. And h would b back to Shanghai on Dcmbr 24th. At th momnt that thy rcivd th lttr, Li Ming's fathr could not hlp crying. How tim flis! Half a cntury

has passd sinc Li Ming's grandfathr lft th mainland. Li Ming's family wr so xcitd that thy could not slp wll for svral days. Nithr could Li Ming.

Th xciting day finally cam. On Dcmbr 24th, thy wr on thir way to th Shanghai airport. Half an hour latr, thy mt th old man whom thy miss all th tim. 李明是我的同学,他已经在上海生活了15年。

李明的祖父是位商人, 自从上海解放后一直住在台湾。他们已经50年没有他的消息了。



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