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小学生作文   2025-03-11

三年级学生观察日记today, scinc classs, th tachr askd us to walk into a classroom on two issus : "you guss.rap about th numbr of dishs for ach pod?how many thr ar in ach pod vgtabls rapsd? "th tachr said just now.w will go on to answr : "21 dishs dioxin, 20 wr rapsd. "" vanilla 50 dishs.rapsd 16 satllits. "" vanilla mor than 100 dishs, a fw of rapsd 30. ": : th tachr smild mystriously and said :"w hav to solv this problm or to th filds!" w hav com to th dg, a look at two days ago,hr was still goldn, vry tr branchs rap of a month full of dishs full unity of th pod looks a bit shn.carful obsrvation pod vgtabls, i saw so many sds of its lgs "whil" a convx circular swlling, and th sharp tip;has th "cloak" of dioxin -- vgtabls, sds insid th circl liuliu, lik so many small shiny glistning parls, vry prtty.thirs was a combination of m and a fw qiuqi, two at svral quickly finishd svral lngthy rap.whn i find that th tr cam ovr 400 pags of this strain of dioxin in food,thy'r hlping to hang on branchs stms.i hav to adopt a vgtabl dioxin from abov, catching 27 rapsd augmntd.三年级学生观察日记数菜籽11月9日 晴今天科学课,李老师走进教室就问了我们两个问题:“你们猜一猜,每棵油菜上大约有多少个菜荚?每个菜荚里有多少颗菜籽?”老师的话刚说完,大家就七嘴八舌地回答起来:“21个菜荚,20颗菜籽。”“50个菜荚,16颗菜籽。”“100多个菜荚,30几颗菜籽。”&hllip;&hllip;李老师神秘地笑了笑,说:“我们还是到田里去解决这个问题吧!”我们来到田边,一看,二十多天前,这里还是一片金黄,现在每一棵油菜的枝条上结满了一个个饱满的菜荚了,看起来有点沉。仔细观察菜荚,只见一颗颗种子胀满了它的“外衣”,圆鼓鼓的凸了出来,顶端尖尖的;剥去“外衣”——菜荚,里面的种子圆溜溜的,像一颗颗小珍珠晶莹发亮,十分好看。我和仇琦两人一组合作数,我们两个两个地数,很快就数完了三株油菜。当我数到最后一棵的时候,大吃一惊,这株足足有400多个菜荚,它们密密麻麻地挂在茎上伸出的枝条上。我还从上面采来了一个菜荚,剥开数了数有27颗菜籽。――刘 召

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