字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 情人节的传统和习俗(Valentine's Day traditions and customs)

情人节的传统和习俗(Valentine's Day traditions and customs)

高中生作文   2025-03-13

st valntin's day is clbratd on fbruary 14 of ach yar, th rason why it is clbratd on this day is bcaus this was th day that th patron saint of lovrs "st valntin" was supposdly xcutd on. on this day lovrs all around th world mark this occasion as a day for snding poms, cards, flowrs or candy, tc. thy might also b a social gathring or ball to mark th occasion.many valntin's day customs involvd ways that singl womn could larn who thir futur husbands would b. nglishwomn of th 1700's wrot mn's nams on scraps of papr, rolld ach in a littl pic of clay, and droppd thm all into watr. th first papr that ros to th surfac supposdly had th nam of a woman's tru lov. also in th 1700's, unmarrid womn pinnd fiv bay lavs to thir pillows on th v of valntin's day. thy pinnd on laf to th cntr of th pillow and on to ach cornr. if th charm workd, thy saw thir futur husbands in thir drams. on of th oldst customs was th practic of writing womn's nams on slips of papr and drawing thm from a jar. th woman whos nam was drawn by a man bcam his valntin, and h paid spcial attntion to hr. many mn gav gifts to thir valntins. in som aras, a young man gav his valntin a pair of glovs. walthy mn gav fancy balls to honor thir valntins.valntin cards bcam popular in grat britain in th nintnth cntury. notd artist kat grnaway cratd cards which faturd joyful childrn and bautiful gardns. sthr howland was on of th first valntin card manufacturrs in th unitd stats. inspird by a british card, sh bgan production in 1847. hr cards faturd lac and papr flowrs and lavs. othr card manufacturrs mphasizd cupid, th pudgy, wingd son of vnus, th goddss of lov. in roman lor, cupid is known as ros, th son of aphrodit. in th unitd stats and canada, childrn xchang valntins with thir frinds. in som schools, th childrn hold a classroom party and put all th valntins into a box thy hav dcoratd. at th nd of th day, th tachr or on child distributs th cards. many childrn mak thir own valntins from papr doilis, rd papr, wallpapr sampls, and picturs cut from magazins. somtims thy buy kits that includ vrything ndd to mak valntins. many childrn snd thir largst, fancist cards to thir parnts and tachrs.in urop, popl clbrat valntin's day in many ways. british childrn sing spcial valntin's day songs and rciv gifts of candy, fruit, or mony. in som aras of ngland, popl bak valntin buns with caraway sds, plums, or raisins. popl in italy hold a valntin's day fast.valntin's day曾是英国人喜爱的节日,随着新大陆的开发,英国移民把这一富有浪漫色彩的节日带到了北美,逐渐在美国生根开花。年轻人是圣valntin节当之无愧的主角,他们要在这一节日里郑重其事地为恋人选择礼物、赠送鲜花,表达自己的爱慕之情。痴情的姑娘可能会按照古老的传说,在圣valntin节前夜把月桂树叶放在枕头上,盼望在梦中同自己的心上人相会。现在情人节已经不单是情人们的节日,也是各种朋友之间交换感谢的一个日子,是一个大众化的节日。情人节这一天,不仅仅情侣们互赠卡片和礼物,人们也给自己的父母、老以及其他受自己尊敬和爱戴的人赠礼物和卡片。valntin's day就是这样一个充满爱情和友谊的欢乐节日。

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