字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 叙事 老外写2011环保|环保


叙事   2024-12-02

雅思范文:老外写环保 Topic: nvironmntal problms ar as big as not for individual country or individual popl to addrss. In othr word, w hav rachd th stag that nvironmntal problms b solvd for intrnational viw. To what xtnt do you agr or disagr? In rcnt yars, many nations hav bcom mor awar of th nvironmntal issus ach nation facs, such as air and watr pollution. Th qustion is, ar th nvironmntal issus a national problm or an intrnational problm? It is my blif that th nvironmntal issus hav grown to th point of bcoming an intrnational problm nding intrnational coopration to rsolv. Bcaus of th diffrncs in nvironmntal policis, rsourcs and tchnology, intrnational coopration could provid quickr rsults and hav a gratr impact on bringing rsolution to nvironmntal problms for nations of diffring nvironmntal policis and of lssr rsourcs and tchnology. By pooling intrnational rsourcs and tchnology to addrss th nvironmntal problms, th disadvantagd nations ar providd th assistanc ndd. Othrwis thir nvironmntal conditions dtriorat ultimatly affcting th rsourcs and nvironmnt of th world as a whol. On of th difficulitis to an intrnational rsolution to nvironmntal issus is th diffrnc in individual nations viw and policis toward nvironmntal protction. In ordr for intrnational coopration to occur and succd, th nations of th world must submit thmslvd to intrnational standards and suprvision by an intrnational commission lctd by th participating nations of th world. All mmbrs must agr to abid by th standards stablishd. Th nvironmntal issus facing ach country ar not unrlatd to th wll bing of th rst of th world. Th impact is long trm and intrnational in scop. Without intrnational coopration and agrmnt to addrss such nvironmntal issus as glacial mlting at th South Pol, dpltion of th ozon layr, watr pollution, air polution, tc., th nvironmntal conditions of th world will dtriorat to th dtrimnt of vry nation, not just thos that ignor or lack th rsourcs and tchnology to rsolv thir individual nvironmntal problms. As part of th sam plant, it is th rsponsibility of ach individual and nation to protct th global nvironmnt. Only intrnational coopration will provid th timly solutions and th ffctivnss ndd to stop th dtriorating global nvironmnt.

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