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初中生作文   2025-02-10

访问北京A Trip To Bijing

On July 5th my parnts took m to Bijing. W stayd at Huabi Hotl. On th first day, w wnt to th Grat Wall. Th Grat Wall is vry long and old. It has millions of bricks. ach brick is vry big and havy. Lots of popl from diffrnt countris lik climbing th Grat Wall. W flt vry tird whn w climbd to th top of th Grat Wall.

W also wnt to th Palac Musum. Th Palac Musum has 9999 palacs. It has a vry long history. I bought a lot of souvnirs of th Palac Musum. What nic palacs ths ar! I visitd th Palac Musum and flt xcitd. If you want to know mor about th Palac Musum, you can go to Bijing and hav a look.

Th following days, w wnt to th Summr Palac, Tian Tan, North Lak and Xiang Hill. I now know mor about th history of China. I also lik modrn Bijing. Th 2008 Olympic Gams will b hld in Bijing.

Latr, I wnt back with my parnts by train. I rally njoyd th trip to Bijing.

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