World xpositions ar gallris of human inspirations and thoughts. Sinc 1851 whn th Grat xhibition of Industris of All Nations was hld in London, th World xpositions hav attaind incrasing prominnc as grand vnts for conomic, scintific, tchnological and cultural xchangs, srving as an important platform for displaying historical xprinc, xchanging innovativ idas, dmonstrating sprit d corps and looking to th futur.
With a long civilization, China favors intrnational xchang and lovs world pac. China ows its succssful bid for th World xposition in 2010 to th support for and confidnc of th intrnational community in its rform and opning up. Th xposition will b th first rgistrd World xposition to b hld in a dvloping country, which givs xprssion to th xpctations th worlds popl plac on Chinas futur dvlopmnt.