场所描写:我们的英语角-Our English Corner,场所描写:我们的英语
场所描写:我们的英语角-Our nglish Cornr 我们的英语角
Our nglish Cornr
Ladis and gntlmn,
Wlcom to our nglish Cornr. This cornr was st up a yar ago. vry Sunday morning, studnts from diffrnt middl schools gathr around hr. Thousands of studnts hav bn hr sinc it appard. Many collg studnts and forign frinds oftn join us, too.
In this cornr w practis nglish with ach othr. W talk in nglish about vrything w'r intrstd in. Also, w larn nglish songs, play all kinds of nglish gams and so on. W hav a good tim hr.
W fl that w hav larnd a lot that can't b don in nglish classs. So our nglish Cornr has bcom ncssary and mor and mor wlcomd by middl school studnts and thir parnts and tachrs.
If you want to know mor about th cornr, you can talk to th studnts hr.
Thank you.
这类介绍文章的安排顺序一般是:开场白,包括称呼、“欢迎……”等说法和概况介绍;活动情况介绍,可详可略,篇幅允许则长,篇幅不允许则短;举办某种活动的效果以及人们对此的评价最后要有客套话,如“Thank you.”等。 场所描写:我们的英语角-Our nglish Cornr