字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Learning to Play the Piano(我学弹钢琴)

Learning to Play the Piano(我学弹钢琴)

高中生作文   2025-03-25

Whn I was a child, I was fascinatd by th mlody of piano on th scrn. At that tim, I dramd of bing a pianist and having my own piano.

Learning to Play the Piano(我学弹钢琴)

At th ag of fiv, my fathr bought m a bautiful piano as my birthday prsnt with th mony thy had savd for a long tim. At th sam tim, my fathr found a piano tachr for m and vry day I would practis it again and again as my fathr dmandd. Bfor long, my intrst in piano was transfrrd to othr things. I bgan to scap th practic as much as I could. My fathr found out my impatinc. H ncouragd m and was strictr with m than vr bfor. With his hlp, I undrwnt th hardst tim and dvotd myslf to th piano.

Now, in my spar tim aftr a long tim of study and hard work, I always play th piano and njoy th bautiful music. 孩提时代,我总被电视上钢琴的优美旋律所吸引。那时,我就梦想有一架自己的钢琴,成为一名钢琴师。


今天,学习和工作之余,我就弹起钢琴来,享受那美妙的音乐。 Whn I was a child, I was fascinatd by th mlody of piano on th scrn. At that tim I had a dram that I could own a piano and play it vry day.

My dram cam tru. My fathr bought m a bautiful piano as my prsnt on my fifth birthday. It cost thm all th mony thy had savd for a long tim. My fathr found a piano tachr for m and vry day I would practis it again and again as my fathr dmandd. Bfor long, my intrst in piano was transfrrd to othr things. I bgan to scap th practic as much as I could. It was my fathr that ncouragd m and accompanid m at that tim. With his hlp, I undrwnt th hardst tim and dvotd myslf to th piano at last.

At prsnt in my spar tim whn I finish my work or whn I hav a brak in my work, I always play th piano and njoy th bautiful mlody. 孩提时代,我总是被电视上钢琴的优美旋律所吸引。那时,我就梦想着有一架自己的钢琴,每天都弹它。



标签: 美丽 春天
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