At prsnt, th National dvlopmnt and Rform commission conductd a massiv onlin poll. Th May Day Goldn Wk will b cut from thr days to on day.I think it is a wis dcision. Im for it bcaus it will hav a good influnc on th socity.Although th May Day Goldn Wk has bn cut, thr traditional fstivals hav bcom national holiday, which will promot th undrstanding of th traditional cultur. As is known to all, nowadays tagrs ar crazy about othr countris fstivals rathr than ours. So it is ncssary to chang thir idas and dvlop our rich traditional cultur.Whats mor, th nw rgulation also hlp rduc havy prssur of th placs of intrst.Manwhil, it will produc mor chancs for popl to gt togthr, sharing thir happinss.Altogthr,it will hlp us achiv th goal of harmony socity. W ar looking forward to it.