字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 China Accession to WTO-中国加入了世界贸易组织

China Accession to WTO-中国加入了世界贸易组织

高中生作文   2024-12-24

China ntrd into th World Trad Organization on Dcmbr l lth,2001. In othr words, China has gon to th world. Th world has accptd China. WTO is an intrnational organization that works to guarant fair trad btwn many nations. In th futur China will hav a low intrnational tax. Popl can buy goods of good quality with lss mony. Thr will b mor jobs availabl. Chins popl will hav a high lvl of lif. It bnfits th country and its popl. I think China's ntry into th WTO will hav a larg numbr of conomic bnfits. At th sam tim, it also brings us many challngs. W will hav to fac mor firc comptition.

As, middl school studnts, w must study hard and study nglish wll. nglish will b mor usful than vr bfor in th world. Most important of all, support our country at this tim of challng. 2001年12月11日,中国加入了世界贸易组织,也就是说中国已经走向了世界,而世界也接受了中国。世界贸易组织是一种国际性的组织,它是为国家之间的公平贸易月艮务的。今后,中国将侩享受很低的关税,人们可以花较少的钱买到优质产品。将会有更多的就业机会,中国人民的生活水平将会提高,这对整个国家和人民都是有利的。中国加入世界贸易组织,会给中国带来很大的经济利益。同时也给我们带来挑战,我们将会面对更加激烈的竞争。

作为中学生,我们必须努力学习,学好英语,英语变得比以往更有用了。最重要的是协助国家迎接挑战。 WTO is an intrnational organization that works to guarant fair trad btwn many nations. It was stablishd on January 1st, !1995, taking th plac of Multilatral Trad Organization. Now China has ntrd into WTO and bcom a mmbr of it. In th futur it will b ,nvnint for our country to dvlop trad rlations with many othr nations; And any disput will b handld constructivly undr th sam ruls.

I think that China's ntry into WTO will hav a lot of long-trm social and conomic bnfits. It can nhanc conomic growth aad will hav much influnc on popl's idology.

W, middl school studnts, ar th mastr of our country in th futur. W should b dilignt in our studis. It will bttr prpar us to ntr th intrnational arna in which comptition is bcoming incrasingly intns. Plas rmmbr that w can do nothing for our country without knowldg. 世界贸易组织是一个国际性的组织,它是为国家之间的公平贸易服务的。它取代多边贸易组织,于1995年1月1日成立。现在中国已加入世界贸易组织,成为其中的一员,更方便今后我们国家同其他国家发展贸易关系。而且在相同的规则下,一些贸易争端将会得到建设性的解决。



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