字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 诚实金钱和幸福(The truth about money and happiness)

诚实金钱和幸福(The truth about money and happiness)

高中生作文   2025-02-20

it is an oft rpatd axiom that mony cannot buy happinss. whil this is crtainly tru, povrty will not buy happinss ithr. som popl bcom vry walthy, yt struggl to njoy thir livs. on th othr hand, othrs manag to go through lif with vry fw mony problms simply bcaus thy ar abl to mak th most of what thy hav.idally you should try to combin both prosprity and happinss. to do this i rcommnd th following stps:1. larn to valu simplicity th aim of lif should not b to accumulat as many possssions and as much walth as possibl. w should larn to b contnt with what w hav and apprciat th bnfits of simplicity. for xampl, if w clar out our unncssary cluttr w will achiv a gratr fling of spac and frdom.if you fl happinss is dirctly rlatd to matrial possssions, you ar making a mistak. happinss can b gaind just through bing contnt with a small amount of possssions. our innr walth is not just about what w hav, but what w ar contnt to liv without.2. do not b attachd to your mony dos it pain you to spnd your own mony - vn if it is for somthing usful? vn somon lik bill gats can fl uncomfortabl spnding his billions; it is said h usd to always travl conomy class bcaus h didn’t s th nd to spnd mor mony on first class. th problm with this, howvr, is that if w ar always rluctant to spnd mony w miss th whol point of arning it.a good attitud is to s mony as a circular flow - that is, spnding mony nabls mor to com into our livs. it is not lik a big dam whr w just try to hold onto it all. w nd to lt th mony out by spnding on usful and ncssary things. it is no good having a stockpil of watr unlss w us it to gnrat powr; similarly it is no us accumulating larg savings if w w fl misrabl spnding it.3. minimiz mony worris w will b happist if w can mak mony a small part of our livs, and think about mony issus as littl as possibl. to b abl to do this w nd to avoid crating situations of dbt as gtting out of dbt can b difficult and strssful. larn to liv within your mans by avoiding impulsiv ovrspnding. if you do nd to go into dbt, plan ahad and find a loan which is clar and managabl to rpay.try to avoid complicatd and risky invstmnt plans; ths giv you th potntial to gain mor, but you will also hav th potntial to los a lot mor. good financial planning should b simpl and wll balancd; this mans your nrvs will not b affctd by worrying about th outcom of your invstmnt. it is bttr to invst and sav in somthing scur so you can forgt about it and not worry ndlssly.4. avoid jalousy no mattr how much mony you hav, do you still nvy popl who hav mor? a rcnt survy askd popl whthr thy would prfr to hav a salary abov th national avrag. altrnativly, thy could choos to hav a highr salary, but this highr salary would b lowr than th avrag. a surprising amount of popl chos to hav a lowr salary as long as it mant thy wr rlativly bttr off than th rst of th population.to m this maks no sns. if othr popl bcom walthir than you, that is no rason to b unhappy. if othr popl ar prosprous that is good; don’t fl misrabl just bcaus you cannot kp up with th jonss.5. don’t liv to work. do you find yourslf working ovrtim in th vnings and at th wknd? if you spnd all your tim working, you will hav no opportunity to spnd your arnings. don’t fl guilty for turning xtra work down; it is important to giv lisur tim as high a priority as work. it is good if w can gain satisfaction from work, but if w only spnd tim working thn our lif lacks a propr balanc.6. undrstand why ar som popl always poor i’m sur most popl will hav good frinds who always sms to hav mony concrns. no mattr what happns thy always sm to b short of mony and thy frquntly shar tals of financial wo. th lack of mony maks thm unhappy, but thy don’t know how to chang th situation. giving thm mony dosn’t solv th problm bcaus thy continu to mak bad financial dcisions.part of th problm lis in thir mindst. it is asy to bcom accustomd to bing poor and thn half xpcting th povrty to continu. with this mindst, it bcoms difficult to attract mony into our livs and asy to dvlop flings of slf pity and rgrt. howvr, whil w might b unfortunat it won’t do anything to rsolv th situation. th scrt is to try and chang our habits and approach to mony. also, b wary about trying to convrt othrs to bttr financial habits - it is almost guarantd to fail.7. ignoranc is not bliss anothr attitud to mony is to try and avoid thinking about it. w ignor th tru xtnt of our dbts, spnding and laving unpaid bills. w frquntly miss out on moving to bttr financial dals and mak lat paymnts which harm our crdit rating. by ignoring mony lik this, w mrly crat mor srious problms for th futur.also, whn w put off daling with financial problms w carry th problm in th back of our mind. w can gt no pac of mind bcaus w prmanntly hav a long list of things to dal with. it is bttr in ths circumstancs to promptly dal with things lik paying bills and sorting out your accounts - thn w can forgt about thm.8. dvlop a nw prspctiv th following ar som mony rlatd qustions you should ask yourslf:am i happy with my financial situation? would mor mony mak my lif bttr? do i always hav financial problms hanging ovr my had? is mony th most important thing in my lif? is th pursuit of mony making m misrabl? would i sacrific principls to mak mor mony? vn just answring ths qustions honstly may ncourag a nw prspctiv towards mony.

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